Coming Together for Missoula
Formed in 2019, the Missoula Nonprofit Center (MNC) is the training, networking, and information sharing hub for Missoula area nonprofits. As the updated and modernized combination of the Missoula Nonprofit Network (MNN) and Volunteer Missoula, MNC hopes to facilitate growth and encourage the success of our community’s valued nonprofits and volunteers.
MNN was started in 2005 as an effort to strengthen the nonprofit sector by holding joint trainings, sharing best practices and collaborating on grant resources.
Volunteer Missoula was born in 2012 as a result of collaboration between 13 distinct nonprofits, businesses, and groups with the goal of helping promote volunteerism as a viable solution to meeting gaps in services in our community. The Volunteer Missoula website facilitates local nonprofits to connect with eager volunteers through easy-to-use online search and sign-up features.
As a combination of these two entities, the Missoula Nonprofit Center brings together a suite of services, tools, and educational opportunities to help promote and support Missoula’s nonprofits. MNC is under the fiscal sponsorship of United Way of Missoula County and run by a coordinator and an advisory board.

How do I become a member?Please apply for membership using this membership application. Following the submission of your application, MNC staff will follow up with final steps and payment options for the annual $50 membership fee.
Are there any requirements to become an MNC member?Nonprofit membership is limited to organizations with a 501(c)(3) designation or those operating under an organization with the 501(c)(3) designation in Missoula, Mineral, and Ravalli counties in Montana.
Do I need to be a member of MNC to post on Volunteer Missoula?Yes. Your MNC membership gives you access to all of the benefits listed here.
How do I send in information about a job opportunity or event to be displayed on the website and in the weekly MNC newsletter?Please submit information through our Job Listing Form and Event Listing Form in order for it to be included online and in our newsletter.
Are there different levels of membership?No. MNC membership is $50 for all 501(c)(3)s or organizations operating under a 501(c)(3) in Missoula, Mineral, or Ravalli counties. Those who wish to support MNC at a higher financial rate may make donations through the United Way of Missoula County donation portal.
Can I still receive the Missoula Nonprofit Network weekly newsletter?Yes. The newsletter previously distributed through the Missoula Nonprofit Network will now be distributed through MNC. If you are interested in receiving the weekly newsletter, please sign up at the bottom of this website.